Healthier Carb Substitutions

I love carbs. Any attempt to eat healthier has to involve some sort of carbs for me. I can go without for small amounts of time but as a realistic lifestyle change there’s no way I’m going to eliminate them completely. If you’re looking for keto diet or carb free alternatives these are not them. However, they are a healthier version of the plain bleached flour non-food carbs that we usually see on the shelves. Eating them sparingly seems like a fine approach in my book!

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Arbonne Detox Week 1

Alrighty, off we go! It’s week 1 of the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Bootcamp. Here’s my experience and narrative for the first week which had it’s share of ups and downs.


Day 1- I was added to my bootcamp a little bit late so I missed the whole idea of prepping meals and snacks the weekend prior but I wasn’t too worried about that because we enjoy cooking. For breakfast I grabbed the probiotic and added it to about 4 oz of water, handed one to my hubby, and took a swig. He immediately chokes, slams the rest of his drink and gasps “OMG it tastes like BURNT HAIR?!!” I started laughing and told him to shut up because I still had half of mine to drink and he was exactly right, that stuff tastes like burnt hair. Disgusting. I choked the rest of mine down nearly gagging.

Well this 30 days is going to go well! Face –> palm. Continue reading “Arbonne Detox Week 1”

Healthy Detox Meal Options

Here are some of the recipes we used for dinners during the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living cleanse. They’re great options for anyone looking for tasty low to no carb meals. Most are Whole30 compliant and paleo compliant. Some can easily be adjusted for ketogenic diet folks too. For those not looking for “diet” food I can attest that these are great tasting simple recipes that are actually good for you, win win. Continue reading “Healthy Detox Meal Options”

Tried and True Freezer Meals For Foodies

We’ve all got that board on Pinterest with a million freezer meal ideas. You’ve probably tried a handful or perhaps you’ve even gone ahead with one that has a full blown plan, shopping list, and instructions and made all of them only to find that the majority aren’t very good or don’t cook right. Ditto here, I’ve tried dozens and dozens and finally came up with my own list a while back of recipes that are actually delicious, easy to compile, and freeze and cook well. Some are borrowed and modified, some I made up myself.
Continue reading “Tried and True Freezer Meals For Foodies”

Kids Bento Lunch Ideas

When my older kiddos finally started school I went on an exhaustive hunt to find THE perfect lunchbox for them. If I didn’t find the perfect lunchbox it could possibly ruin their entire school experience, moms stress about things like this because we’re crazy. I loved the of bento lunches that let them have a few bites of a bunch of stuff rather than the typical sandwich in a paper sack.
Continue reading “Kids Bento Lunch Ideas”